
Emily is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer, director, producer, video editor and comedian. 

Most recently, her work as a producer on the short film A Folded Ocean was featured by Sundance Film Festival 2023.

Her debut short film, Outside, (which she wrote, produced, directed, and edited) was also recently featured by Short of the Week as one of their weekly selections as well as one of their best short films of 2022. She and her collaborators Alyssa Limperis and Andrew Daugherty also have several upcoming shorts in production currently.

She has also written and directed digital ads for Patagonia and worked as a segment producer on season 2 of NBC’s A Little Late with Lilly Singh.

Her work as a digital producer and editor can also be seen on outlets such as Glamour, Allure, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Condé Nast's The Scene/Iris, VICE, Seventeen, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Esquire, Warner Music, NBC, Facebook/Meta, and others.

She has been a house sketch team writer for both UCB Theater New York and LA and is a contributing satirical writer for Reductress.

Her work has been Webby Award nominated and her web series "Table for One" (co-created with Alyssa Limperis) was sponsored by YouTube as part of its Women In Comedy Initiative.

You can also find her frequently posting on Twitter and Instagram.

For further inquiries and writing samples, please reach out via email through the contact button below!